With the improvement of our lives, we are not content with the beautiful surface of the kitchen, we need a eco-friendly kitchen with elegant appearance .You konw, it is closely related our health, Our food , drink, and the cooking environment are all decided by the kitchen decoration. How to make the kitchen "green"? I have some suggestions below.
Bamboo is the material makes great cutting boards and it can also be used for backsplashes and flooring.Even the bowls can be made of bamboo. Produced by the green kitchenware maker Bamboo, the bowls shown above were hand-crafted and coiled using 100% organically grown bamboo.
Natural fabrics: Choose cotton or wool for your dining chairs and window dressings since man-made fabrics are made with chemicals that harm the environment.
Solar ovens:For those truly committed to green cooking, solar ovens offer a fun and interesting alternative to conventional gas or electric models. Many foods can be safely and properly heated using little more than an oven similar those pictured above and natural, free-as-air light from the sun.
Lighting: To cut down on lighting costs, try using fluorescents.
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