Spice Jars: Not the kind that come in matching sets either. Not only do they very rarely hold all of the spices that you actually use, it is a pain to transfer the small granules from one container to another. Your best bet would be to put up a standard shelf to set all of the spices that you buy from the store. Leave them in their original jars and it will add a great touch of color. Not to mention, be within easy reach if when your baking or experimenting with new recipes.
Cookbooks: Put any cookbooks that you may have on display. You can choose an area on a counter top or build a special shelf just for the purpose. If you do not have a lot at first, do not worry. They can be bought at thrift stores and discount stores for cheap. Choose them because you want to try to cook authentic Italian and Mexican dinners; or simply because you like the look of the cover. Just make sure to keep them all in one place to show off your varied collection.
Artwork: You can go with the traditional still life painting and prints but another option would be to search for old advertisements to frame. There are some funny ones out there and you can find them in old magazines at flea markets; as well as buy them individually from antique shops and online auction places.
Now that you have gotten and idea on how to decorate with a cooking (chef) theme in your kitchen, you are sure to find other ways to incorporate your passion. Decorating with food doesn't always have to mean using actual food in the scheme. But why not throw in that old fashioned fruit bowl anyway? You may be surprised to see what a wonderful centerpiece that it makes to finish off the look.
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